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Actress's fortune explored amid Matthew Perry's revelations about their relationship

Canadian-American actor Matthew Perry has been making headlines ever since he released his memoir Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing. In yet another revelation, the 53-year-old star opened up about the first time he slept with his then-girlfriend Tricia Leigh Fisher and how alcoholism affected his life before that.

He recalled his teen years when he believed he was impotent, but how that changed when Fisher took charge of his situation.

In a passage obtained by The New York Times, Perry detailed how his efforts to get intimate with Fisher failed as he kept his "great ugly secret" from her.

"Nothing worked; nothing. Horrified yet again, I forsook the loving arms of Tricia Fisher and padded my slim, naked body over to a chair in the apartment. I sat there, soft, and sad, my two hands cupped over my lap like a nun’s during Vespers, doing my best to cover my embarrassment and maybe a tear or two."

Matthew Perry and Tricia Leigh Fisher dated for several years in the late 80s. The duo were 18 when they were together, but Perry eventually dumped her when his old fears started creeping up.

All you need to know about Tricia Leigh Fisher's current net worth and her encounter with Matthew Perry

As per Celebrity Net Worth, Tricia Leigh Fisher's current net worth is $8 million. The 53-year-old actress is the daughter of singer Eddie Fisher and actress Connie Stevens.

She began her acting career in 1985 when she appeared in the television film Stick. Fisher then went on to star in One Big Family, Our House, Time Out for Dad, Strange Voices, Bring Me the Head of Dobie Gillis, Book of Love, I'll Do Anything, and Criminal Minds, among others.

Tricia Leigh Fisher and Matthew Perry began dating at the age of 18. In his memoir, the Friends star detailed how alcoholism affected his s*x life and led him to believe he was impotent for years.

In one of the excerpts, the star revealed a time when Fisher took charge of the situation when their attempt to get intimate failed.

"She walked over to me, took my hand, led me back to bed, laid me down, and sure enough … sheer glory, for two whole minutes!"

Talking about his experience, Matthew Perry further added:

"That night, by the dint of a miraculous universe and the ministrations of a beautiful young woman who deserved better, I finally first misplaced my virginity then lost it altogether, and impotence has not been part of my vocabulary since, just as she promised it wouldn’t be. Everything about me — at least physically — works just fine."

Matthew Perry further revealed that he started consuming alcohol at an early age. He recalled an incident where, before moving to Los Angeles from Ottawa at 15, he tried to have s*x and drank six beers to gather courage but couldn't perform.

"By then I’d been drinking for a few years. I failed to make the correlation between the booze and my private parts not working. I was walking around the planet thinking s*x was something for other people. For a long time. S*x sounded awfully fun, but it was not in my arsenal.”

Matthew Perry's latest memoir, Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing, was released on November 1, where he candidly talked about his struggles with alcohol and substance abuse.

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